About Cathy

Cathy Weeg, LPC
ph: 907-590-8384
email Cathy

I am an empathetic and caring professional with experience providing counseling services to individuals and groups. My style is very interactive, collaborative, and dynamic – my goal is to provide solution-focused and results-oriented therapy. I believe that all people have the ability to heal themselves once they begin looking inward with objectivity and empathy. I assist people with making wiser decisions, regulating their emotions, learning to tolerate distress, and improving their interpersonal skills. These skills are exceptionally helpful for those who find themselves struggling and unhappy with their lives, despite their sincere desire for change.

  • M.S. Ed. in Counseling Education
  • Licensed Professional Counselor
  • National Certified Counselor

Cathy’s Client Forms

New Client Questionnaire
Fill out and submit the form online prior to your first appointment.
Informed Consent
Fill out and submit the form online prior to your first appointment.
Telehealth Informed Consent
Fill out and submit the form online prior to your first appointment.
HIPPA Notice of Privacy
Fill out and submit the form online prior to your first appointment.
HIPPA Acknowledgement
Fill out and submit the form online prior to your first appointment.
Release of Information
Fill out and submit the form online prior to your first appointment.
Billing Agreement
Fill out and submit the form online prior to your first appointment.

Please complete these online forms prior to your first appointment. If you are the responsible party, please complete these forms yourself. If you are not the responsible party, we must obtain written consent of the legal guardian or another authorized legal representative prior to rendering services in the event the client is a minor child, an adult who is legally incompetent, or an adult incapable of giving informed consent.

In case of technology failure, please click here to contact us.

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